"During the last two centuries it has been bred pure. Breeding horses and dealing in them was very important for the Friesian people. To maintain the integrity of the breed, the Friesian Horse Association of North America (FHANA), working in concert with the original parent organization the KFPS in the Netherlands, strictly regulates the registration of the Friesian Horse. The KFPS is the mother-registry for the Friesian horse worldwide.
The registry was founded in 1879 and today’s Dutch registered horses are the result of over a century of rigorous evaluation and selection of breeding stock. Organizations from other countries may also register Friesian horses, but horses registered with those organizations may not have met the standards of the FPS and therefore the true Dutch Friesian registry cannot recognize the horses. The Friesian Horse Association of North America cannot recognize a horse whose papers are not issued by the Friesch Paarden Stamboek."
The registry was founded in 1879 and today’s Dutch registered horses are the result of over a century of rigorous evaluation and selection of breeding stock. Organizations from other countries may also register Friesian horses, but horses registered with those organizations may not have met the standards of the FPS and therefore the true Dutch Friesian registry cannot recognize the horses. The Friesian Horse Association of North America cannot recognize a horse whose papers are not issued by the Friesch Paarden Stamboek."
KFPS - The Koninklijke Vereniging "Het Friesch Paarden-Stamboek"
The Royal Association "The Friesian Horse Studbook"
The KFPS is the oldest Friesian horse registry and is based out of the Netherlands - the homeland of the breed. Because the Friesian was nearly lost on several occasions, the KFPS has continued to be instrumental in preserving and promoting the purebred Friesian horse for over 100 years.
Their continued dedication is highly admirable as they continue to strive for excellence in health, sport, longevity, and quality in the Friesian horse. This mission is of an utmost importance to ensure the future of Friesians for years to come. |
The KFPS registry is used for all purebred eligible Friesian horses within the NWF program. The Dutch people worked diligently to save the Friesian horse and their efforts are why we are able to enjoy this treasure of a breed today. The KFPS has implemented rigorous measures and standards to help the Friesian horse prosper and find purpose in the modern world. I'm extremely grateful for those efforts and enjoy the challenges this registry has moving forward to reach those goals.
Although the majority of Friesians are in the KFPS registry, there are other organizations that register purebred Friesian horses and their crossbreds. The guidelines, judging standards, DNA/parentage verification and breeding policies of other registries for Friesian horses are different and are not equal to those of the KFPS. Horses, that were originally registered with the KFPS, that are registered with other organizations would be eligible for KFPS re-registration. However, dual registry is not permitted. Other non-KFPS Friesian horses may or may not be eligible for KFPS registration and an inquiry must be made to FHANA to determine if the horse is eligible to be registered with the KFPS.
Friesian Heritage Horse (FHH)
For crossbreds of at least 25%...
The is the registry I would recommend for those with Friesian crossbreds. The Friesian Heritage Horse & Sporthorse International offers an authentic, credible registry, that is inclusive and provides a “home” for all documented horses of 25% or greater Friesian heritage.
All of the Friesian crossbreds (+50% Friesian) will be registered with FHH. I recognize the growing market for crossbreds has gained substantially over the years. A crossbred can be an excellent stepping stone onto a purebred if you're new the Friesian. Or, if you've always dreamed of owning a Friesian but not so much the price tag that can come with it, a crossbred horse with the racial Friesian type is an excellent option. FHH has established themselves as an excellent, inclusive, credible registry dedicated to horses with Friesian in their pedigree and operates out of NorthWoods home state of Minnesota. |